domingo, 12 de outubro de 2008

Welcome to my Animation Blog

Hi everyone!

Welcome to my Animation blog

I want to share with you some of my work and talk a lot about animation, because this has always been my passion.

I just finished my course at Animation Mentor School, which was an incredible program. I learnt a lot and still keep learning, because animation is a constant process of learning.

Right now, I am working to finish my short film and to get my demo reel done. I am also an Alumni Peer Buddy at AM. Alumni Peer Buddies are students who help and critique the work of other students weekly.

The Animation Mentor community is incredible! I made many friends from all over the world who share the same goal as me:to make drawings becoming alive!

I also would like to thank to Bobby Beck, Shawn Kelly and Carlos Baena, co-founders of Animation Mentor, for all the support they've always given me and to all students, mentors and friends from the animation school.

I hope you enjoy my Animation Blog!

Have Fun!

Um comentário:

Unknown disse...

Olá, Cristiano. Meu nome é André Roque, também sou animador 3d e gostaria de trocar uma idéia com você por e-mail. Pode ser?
Grande abraço.
